Politic, Social And Cultural Life in Memoirs [1930-1950]

İbrahim Özen

25 كانون الثاني, 2020 04:00 م Salon: ŞAKİR KOCABAŞ SALONU

On Janoary 25th 2020, Center for Turkish Studies will host İbrahim Özen* under the discussions theses-articles. Özen will deliver a speech about “Polıtıc, Socıal And Cultural Lıfe In Memoırs [1930-1950]”** based on his thesis.***




“ This study ise a research on cultural, political, social and literary life from II. Abdülhamit‘s

time to the beginning of Turkish Repuclic with reference to memoirs remained of the

written books and periodical publications between 1930-1950. The aim of study is to

express the conditions of the period that one goverment collapsed and the other one

established from the viewpoint of memoirs writers by considering historical truths. Ġn the

first chapter of this study which consist of four chapters, relation between memoirs, fiction

and other autobiographic genres are mentioned by drawing a theoritical framework.

However the confidence of the memoirs is examined and we focus on using studies over

social sciences especially history and literature as reference. In the second section,

assessments on the literature and press life are expressed. Literary gathering-places,

relation between memoirs and literary work, arguments and friendship of the litterateurs,

literary communities and cooccurrences, relation between literature and cencorship are

considered in this section. Third section is a political life consideration. Period progressing

from II. Abdülhamit‘s time to Second Constitutional Era and from national struggle to trial

of multi-party life one investigated under thematic title around the scape of evenst that

gurde our history. In the evaluation on the social and cultural life which forms the fourth

chapter, we mention the entertainment life, reflection of war to social life, school and

education, family life, transportation, Turkish identity in Ottoman Empire and the place of

women in social life.”


* Dr., Assist. Prof., Istanbul Gelisim University

** Ankara Gazi University, 2016

*** The speech will be conducted in Turkish


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As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.



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